Prequalify, Preapprove - What’s the Difference?
Buying a home can be tricky, but not when you work with The Edrington Team. We will walk you through the home buying process step by step!

5 Reasons to Go for It and Buy a Place Alone—from Women Who’ve Done It
Victoria Kent, the founder of her own public relations firm in Chicago, had been thinking about homeownership for a little over a year...

Staged homes sell faster
PUT YOUR BEST COUCH FORWARD In a survey released this year, the National Association of REALTORS found that 83% of buyers’ agents...

How to choose new kitchen cabinets
OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW CABINETS Cabinets set the style for any kitchen in your home, and with advances in functionality as...

Trick or Treat Yourself to a Haunted Home
SHOULD YOU BUY A “HAUNTED” HOUSE? Many so-called haunted houses are so old and outdated they look occupied by ghosts, or they’ve been on...

Too many clothes, no down payment
Fashion Forward or Home Sweet Home Crazy fashion trends do more than strain closet space. They can sometimes send the message that...