Happy Birthday Mr. Edrington

When George walked in the office today, the whole team was gathered around waiting to see his reaction to his birthday celebration. It wasn’t because we were ready to dive into the cupcakes, but because we couldn’t wait to celebrate George and all he does for us on a regular basis! Birthdays are just an excuse to celebrate those that have an impact on your life, and we are taking full advantage of this day to celebrate one of the founders of The Edrington Team!
After being around George for only a few minutes anyone can see that he is a very dedicated person. Not only is he a dedicated leader for our team, he is also a dedicated husband, father, and friend to anyone who knows him. George runs this company as a family, often pulling out his business card and calling it the family portrait.
Having one of the companies founders get down in the trenches everyday with his team is truly inspiring. Not many companies have the chance to work side by side with it’s namesake. The experience, knowledge, and wisdom he brings to our team is invaluable. He reminds us daily about the standards upon which The Edrington Team was built.
George, we all wish you a very happy birthday!